Showing posts with label A-Z Historical Newspapers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A-Z Historical Newspapers. Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Alphabetical List of Open Access Historical Newspapers and Other Periodicals in Middle East & Islamic Studies

Below is a list of Open Access historical newspapers and other periodicals in Middle Eastern Studies. 
Most titles on the list have been digitized by independent projects across the globe and may not have been fully cataloged. It is often difficult to find and access them on the web or through catalogs such as HathiTrust, AMEEL, Gallica, Revues, WorldCat, etc.
We welcome your comments and suggestions of additional titles to include. Please use the comment feature at the bottom of the page.

For the list of active Open Access journals follow this link: 
Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies
387 titles as of January 23, 2024

Anīs (scattered issues 1947-1980)
Anis (scattered issues 1934-2016)
Aman-i Afghan (1920-1926) امان‌ افغان
Aman-i Afghan (1920-1926) امان‌ افغان
Hīwād = Hewad Daily =هیواد  (scattered issues 1996-2017)
Iṣlāh ̣= Islah Daily = اصلاح  
(scattered issues 1943-2017) 
Kabul Times (scattered issues 1962-1984)
Kabul Times (
scattered issues 1980-2016)
Mu'arrif-i ma'ārif  (1920-1922) معرف معارف
Shams al-nahār ‪(شمس النهار  (1874
Shams al-nahār (1873-1875) شمس النهار
Sirāj al-akhbār (1911-1918?)  سراج الاخبار
سراج الاخبار = Sirāj al-Akhbār = Sirāǧ al-ah̲bār = Seraj al-akhbar = The Lamp of News = Torch of Afghan news   1911/12-1918

Revue Africaine (Société historique algérienne) 1-106 (1856-1962)
Revue Campus  0-18 (2006-2010)
 التقدم = al-Taqāddum = Attakaddoum = Le Progrès (1923-1931)
La Vérité (1934-1935)

La Reforma y el Mundo Árabe

Czech Republik
Archiv Orientalni (12-67;1941-1999)

Aegyptische Nachrichten (1912)
الادب والفن =  al-Ādāb wa-al-Fann = al- adab wal-fann = Literature and art  1943-1945
al-Ahram 1876-2014   (as of Nov. 2015 the archive is no longer accessible)
Annales Islamologiquesالبيان = al-Bayān (1897-1898)
 اپولو = Apūllū = Abūlū = Apollo 1932-1934
al-Balāgh (البلاغ) (1918-1952)
البلاغ الاسبوعی = al-Balāgh al-usbūʻī = al- balāġ al-usbūʻī 1926-1930
‏البيان‎ = al-Bayān = al-bayān 1897-1898
La décade égyptienne (1799-1800) 
الضياء‎ = al-Ḍiyāʼ = ad-ḍīyāʻ 1898-1906
 الدنيا المصوّرة = al-Dunyā al-muṣawwarah = ad-dunya 'l-muṣauwara  1929-1932
 الفكاهة = al-Fukāhah = al-Fukāha 1926-1933
L'Égypte contemporaine (1-13; 1917-1922)
Egyptian Gazette (1905-1908)
al-Hilal  (1892-2007) 
العرفان‎ = al-'Irfān 1910-1946
Israël - Cairo (Egypt) (1922-1939)
الجامعة‎ = al-Jāmiʻah = al-Jamyat = al-Jāmiʻah al-ʻUthmānīyah = al-Ǧāmiʻa al-ʻuṭmānīya = al-Ǧāmiʻa 1899-1910
 الكاتب المصري = al-Kātib al-Miṣrī 1946-1948
Majallat alimārah.(1930- 1950)  مجلّة العمارة 
Majallat al-ʻimārah wa-al-funūn (1952-1957)  مجلّة العمارة و الفنون
مجلة كلية الآداب بالجامعة فاروق الأول = Majallat Kullīyat al-Ādāb =
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 1943-1957
مجلة كلية الآداب بالجامعة المصرية = Majallat Kullīyat al-Ādāb bi-al-Jāmiʻah al-Miṣrīyah =
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Egypt 1933-1935
المعرفة = al-Maʻrifah = Maarefa = al-Maʻrifa 1931-1934
al-Manar Cairo (Egypt) (1897/98-1914)
المسرح / al-Masraḥ 1-86 ; (1925-1927)
المصري = al-Miṣrī (1950-1953)
Miṣr al-fatāh =Miṣr al-Fatāt = Masr el-Fatat = مصر الفتاة
al-Muʾarrikh al-Miṣrī : dirāsāt wa-buḥūth tārīkhīyah (1-23; 1988-2000) المؤرخ المصري
المؤيد = al-Muʼayyad = al-Muʼayyid = al-Mu'aiyad [1889-1905]
المؤيد = al-Muʼayyad = al-Muʼayyid = al-Mu'aiyad [1896-1898]
al-Muqaṭṭam = (المقطم)  1940-1952
al-Muqtabas, (v. 6, 8 ; 1911, 1914)
al-Muqtaṭaf  (1-62 ; 1876-1922) المفتطف
المقتطف = al-Muqtaṭaf = al-Muktataf 1876-1952
الراوي = al-Rāwī = ar-Rāwī 1889-1890
 صحيفة دار العلوم =  Ṣaḥīfat Dār al-ʻUlūm fī al-ʻilm wa al-adab wa al-ijtimāʻ
 = Ṣaḥīfat Dār al-ʻUlūm 1934-1948
الشورى = al-Shūrá = Ashoura (1924-1931)
الشعب  = al-Shaʼb (1910)
الشباب = al-Shabāb (1937 - 1939)
التهذيب = al-Tahdhīb = at-Tahd̲īb  1902-1903
الزهور = al-Zuhūr = az-Zouhour = az-Zuhūr  1910-1913

Digitized Francophone Press in Egypt = La Presse Francophone d'Égypte numérisée - PFEnum (as of Dec. 9, 2015) :
Alexandrie, Reine de la Méditerranée, (1928,1930, 1934)
L'Alexandrin, (1895-1896)
L'Atelier d'Alexandrie, (1968-1985)
Le Bosphore égyptien, (1884, 1887)
Bulletin de l'Atelier d'Alexandrie, (1972, 1975-77,1980, 1985)
Bulletin de l'Institut d'Égypte, (Session 1941-1942)
Bulletin de l’Institut Égyptien, (n° 4 - 1884)
Bulletin de la Société d’Études historiques et géographiques, (1948-1949, 1951-1952, 1954)
Bulletin Suisse d'Égypte, (1929)
Cahiers d'Alexandrie, (1963-1967, 1971)
Cahiers d'histoire égyptienne, (n°4, 1950)
Les Cahiers de l'Oasis, (1921-1923)
Cahiers juifs, (1934-1935)
Le Canal, (1952-1956)
La Décade égyptienne, (1798-1800)
Le Delta, (1914-1915)
Les Ébauches, (1916)
L'Économiste Égyptien, (n°369, 48e année, 20 février 1949)
Un Effort, (1930-1933)
L'Égypte Nouvelle, (1923-1925, 1946, 1948, 1952-1953)
The Egyptian Gazette, (1882-1883, 1912)
L'Égyptienne, (1925-1932,1934, 1939, 1940)
Exposition de l'Atelier, catalogue, (1944-1946, 1948)
La Femme Nouvelle, (1946,1949-1951, 1955)
Le Flambeau d'Égypte, (n° 21, mars 1930)
La Gazette d'Orient, (n°S 650, 1937)
La Gazette du Caire, (n° 372-373, 9e année, 8 février 1956)
L'Illustration égyptienne, (n°1, novembre 1922)
L'Illustration Juive, (1929-1931)
Images, (1929-1930, 1937-1938, 1945, 1956, 1958-1959, 1964, 1967)
L'Informateur, (n°1367, 26e année, 6 janvier 1956)
Josy Journal, (1930-1931)
Le Journal d'Égypte, (1942, 1948, 1950, 1956)
Journal des Tribunaux Mixtes, (1925-1926, 1928-1932, 1939,1942, 1949)
Journal du Commerce et de la Marine, (1944-1945, 1956-1958)
Journal Officiel de Gouvernement Egyptien, (n°52 - 53e année. 31 mai 1926)
Journal Suisse d’Égypte et du Proche-Orient, (1942, 1952, 1956)
Le Lien, (n°5-6, 17e année, 1952)
Loisirs, (1947-1948, 1950)
Le Lotus, (1913, 1924-1928, 1932)
Le Messager, (n° 1029, 21e année, 17 septembre 1978)
Messages d'Orient, (1926-1927)
Nouvelle Revue d'Égypte, (1904)
Les Nouvelles, (n° 88, 7e année, 12e série, 16 avril 1918)
Les Nouvelles (Nouvelle Série), (1948-1950,1953,1956, 1959)
L'Observateur, (1949, 1958)
Le Périscope, (1945)
Le Phare d'Alexandrie, (1907, 1912, 1915)
La Réforme, (1896, 1912, 1913, 1942, 1945, 1956)
La Réforme Illustrée, (1925-1951, 1958, 1960)
Ma Revue, (1930)
Revue d'Égypte, (1894-1896)
Revue des conférences françaises en Orient, (1939, 1941, 1945-1951)
La Revue du Caire, (1938-1955,1957-1959)
la Revue Égyptienne, (n°2, 1ère année, 1961)
Revue Égyptienne de Droit International, (1946, 1949, 1952)
Revue Internationale d'Égypte, (Août 1908 - Tome I fascicule 4)
La Revue Médicale de l'Orient, (n°4, janvier 1941)
Rialto, (novembre 1932)
La Semaine Égyptienne, (1927, 1940 ,1942)
L'Union, (n° 119, 3e année, 2 mai 1957)
Valeurs, (1945-1947)

Studia Orientalia (1925-2013)

Abou Naddara Journal Collection


کاوہ = Kāwa = Kaveh = Kavē  1916 - 1922

آینده = Āyanda = Āyandah = Āyandeh - (1304-1339 [1925-1960])
Abstracta Iranica (22-30 ; 1997-2007)
بابا شمل = Bābā Shamal = Bābā Šamal  1943 - 1947
بهار = Bahār 1942
دانش = Dānish = Dāniš = Danesh 1882
دانش = Dānish = Dāniš = Danesh 1910-1911
دنياى سخن = Dunyā-yi sukhan (1987-2001)
گلشن = Gulshan [1924 - 1928]
حبل المتین = Ḥabl al-matı̄n  1907/08
جنگل = Jangal = Ǧangal 1917
Jangal. (1 ; 1917)
Kitāb-i haftah (1-3, 5-9, 11-12, 17-19 ; [1961-1963]) کتاب هفته
Kitāb-i jumʻah  (1-36 ; [1979-1980]) کتاب جمعه
مجله شرق = Majallah-i Sharq = Sharq = Šarq 1924-1932
مجلس = Majlis = Maǧlis 1906/07
نامۀ فرهنگستان = Nāmah-ʼi Farhangistān = Nāma-i Farhangistān 1943-1947
نشرىۀ مدرسۀ مبارکۀ دار الفنون تبريز = Nashrīyah-ʼi Madrasah-ʼi mubārakah- ʼi Dār al-Funūn-i Tabrīz = Našrīya-i Madrasa-i Mubāraka-i Dār al-Funūn-i Tabrīz  1893-1894
نوروز = Nawrūz = Naurūz 1903/04
 روح القدس = Rūḥ al-qudus = Rûḥ ul-Qods  1907/08
 شرف = Šaraf = Sharaf - 1882-1891
See also 1984 reprint:
شرافت = Sharāfat = Šarāfat = Sherafat  1896-1903?
شكوقه = Shukūfah = Šukūfa = Shokufeh = Shekoofeh 1912-1915
صور اسرافيل  = Ṣūr-i Isrāfīl = Soure-Esrafil = Sur-e Esrafil   1907-1909?
See also: 
Ṣūr-i Isrāfīl (1907-1909) صور اسرافيل
تربيت = Tarbīyat (1314-1325 [1896-1907])
Vaqayi'-i ittifaqiyah  (1857-1858)
یادگار = Yādgār = Jādgār 1944/45 - 1948/49

Sumer (2-50 ; 1946-2000)
Têgeyştinî Rastî
 (Understanding the truth) (1918-1919)
تی گه یشتن راستی
al-Thaqāfah al-jadīdah (3-311 (with gaps) ; 1969-2004)
Al-Zaura - al-Zawrah' (1874)  الزوراء


Dirāsāt al-'Ulūm al-insānīyah wa-al-ijtimā'īyah (22-27, 30, 32 ; 1995-2005) دراسات

 العربى = al-ʻArabī  (1958-1973, 1985-1990)

al-Abḥāth (1,4-12,14-48/49 ; 1948, 1951-1959, 1961-2000/2001) الأبحاث
al-Āḥrār (الأحرار)  ‎1925
al-Āḥrār al-muṣawwarah (الأحرار المصورة) ‎1926-1927
al-Akhbār (الأخبار) ‎1958-1972
al-Barq (البرق) ‎1925
al-Bashīr (البشير)  ‎1870-1920
al-Hadīyah (الهدية)  ‎1923
al-Ḥaqīqah (الحقيقة) ‎1910-1944
al-Ḥawādith (الحوادث) ‎1918-1922
الإقبال = al-Iqbāl : jarīdah ʻilmīyah, siyāsīyah, ʻumrānīyah (1902-1909)
al-Jinān (1870?-1886) الجنان
Lisān al-ḥāl (لسان الحال) ‎1877-1932
Lisān al-Ummah (لسان الأمة)  ‎1931-1941
al-Mawʼid (الموعد) ‎1948
al-Miṣbāḥ (المصباح) ‎1899-1900
al-Mufīd (المفيد)  ‎1911-1913
المقتطف = al-Muqtaṭaf = al-Muktataf 1876-1952
al-Nahḍah (النهضة) ‎1937-1938
النبراس = al-Nibrās = an-Nibrās 1909-1910
al-Qalam al-Ṣarīḥ (القلم الصريح) ‎1933
Ṣawt al-aḥrār (صوت الأحرار) ‎1933
al-Shaʼb (الشعب) ‎1925-1926
الطبيب‎ =  al-Ṭabīb = aṭ-Ṭabīb 1884/85

L'Avenir Illustré  - Casablanca (1926-1940)
La Liberté - Tangier (1915-1922)
Noar - Casablanca (1946-1952)
La Voix des Communautés - Rabat (1950-1963)
Archives marocaines (1904-1936)
France-Maroc (1917-1925)
Hespéris Tamuda (1960-2009)
Kalima (1986-1989)
Tangier Gazette: Al-Moghreb Al-Aksa & Morocco (1927 -1940)

Saudi Arabia 
Majallat Jāmiʻat al-Malik ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz  (1-14; 1988-2006) مجلة جامعة الملك عبد العزيز


Alif bāʼ (ألف با)  ‎ 1921-1954
al-Jarīdah al-rasmīyah (1919-1948) - الجريدة الرسمية - سورية  
al-Jabal (الجبل)  ‎1949-1950
al-Khabar (الخبر)  ‎1949-1950
Majallat Jāmiʻat Dimashq lil-ādāb wa-al-ʻulūm al-insānīyah wa-al-tarbawīyah (5-16, 1989-2000) مجلة جامعة دمشق للآداب والعلوم الإنسانية والتربوية
Revue archeologique syrienne 5 vols. (1931-1938)
al-Sūrī (السوري)  ‎1949-1950

La Dépêche tunisienne (1896-1900)
Dirāsāt dawlīyah = Études internationales (1,10-77 ; 1981, 1984-2000) دراسات دولية‏
الفجر = al-Fajr = al-Faǧr 1921-1922
La Petite Tunisie (1927-1937 )
La Revue Tunisienne (1885-1888)

اختر = Akhtar = Ah̲tar = Akhter = Akhtar-i Istānbūl = Aḫtar-e Estānbūl 1876- 1896
Akis (1954-1967)
Akşam (1929-1964)
انادولو مجموعه سى = Anadolu mecmuası = Anadolu meǧmūʻasï 1924-25
Arkeoloji Dergisi (1-6; 1991-1999)
Milliyet (1950-2004)
 ‏محرر‎ = Muharrir 1876-1879
ناھید = Nāhīd 1886-1887
Newspapers Archives: National Library of Turkey (currently off-line)
The Orient (1910-1911)
United Kingdom
الادب والفن =  al-Ādāb wa-al-Fann = al- adab wal-fann = Literature and art  1943-1945

United States
American Anthropologist 1-24 1888-1922

Titles below are available through Endangered Archives Programme from the British Library : "Preservation of historical periodical collections (1900-1950) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem"

al-Aqdam (1933-1936) الاقدام
al-'Arab (1933-1934) العرب
al-Awqat al-'Arabiyah (1935) أوقات العربية
al-Difāʻ - Ad-difaa (1934-1955) - الدفاع
al-Fajr (1935) الفجر
 Filastin (1923-1951) فلسطين
al-Hasna' (1909-1912) الحسنا
al-Huquq (1923-1928) الحقوق
al-Jami'ah al-'Arabiyah (1927-1936) الجامعات العربية
al-Jami'ah al-Islamiyah (1932-1937) الجامعات الاسلامية
al-Jinan (1874) الجنان
al-Kuliyyah al-Arabia (1927-1938) الكليية العربية
al-Liwa' (1935-1937) اللواء
al-Mahaba' (1901) المحبة
Majallat Rawdat al-Ma'arif (1922-1934 ) مجلة روضة المعارف
Mir'at al-Sharq (1922-1936)
al-Muqtabas (1907-1913) المقتبس
al-Qabas (1913-1934) القبس
Rawdat al-Ma'arif (1326-1327AH) [1908-1909] روضة المعارف
al-Sawt al-Sha'ab (1927-31, 1933-35) صوت الشعب
al-Sirat al-Mustaqim = Al-sirat el-mustakim = Assirat (1928-1938) الصراط المستقيم
Tasvir-i efkar (1909)
al-Zahrah (1922-1926) الزهرة

See also :