South Dakota Referendum 6, Abortion Ban Measure (2006)

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South Dakota Referendum 6
Flag of South Dakota.png
Election date
November 7, 2006
Defeatedd Defeated

South Dakota Referendum 6 was on the ballot as a veto referendum in South Dakota on November 7, 2006. It was defeated.

A "yes" vote supported enacting HB 1215, which would have prohibited the use of medicine, instruments, and medical procedures to perform an abortion except in circumstances where it was necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman.

A "no" vote opposed enacting HB 1215 and its prohibition on giving medicine, instruments, or medical procedures to perform an abortion, except when the pregnant woman's life is threatened.

Election results

South Dakota Referendum 6

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 148,648 44.43%

Defeated No

185,945 55.57%
Results are officially certified.

Measure design

See also: Text of measure

If approved, the referendum would have enacted HB 1215, a law that would have prohibited all methods of abortion and therefore outlaw abortion, except in cases where the pregnant woman's life is threatened.[1]

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Referendum 6 was as follows:

An Act to establish certain legislative findings, to reinstate the prohibition against certain acts causing the termination of an unborn human life, to prescribe a penalty therefore, and to provide for the implementation of such provisions under certain circumstances.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.





  • American Family Association
  • Knights of Columbus


  • State Rep. Bill Napoli (R): "I believe the message from Roe v. Wade is simple -- abortion on demand, abortion as a means of birth control, abortion as a means to destroy human life. I believe (that) should not be the message from this country or this state."
  • State Rep. Julie Bartling (R): "In my opinion, it is the time for this South Dakota Legislature to deal with this issue and protect the lives and the rights of unborn children."
  • State Rep. Roger Hunt (R): "We need to protect the lives of millions of unborn children."






  • Feminist Majority Foundation: "If they strike down Roe, all abortion is at risk in this country. We estimate about 30 states would ban it."
  • State Sen. Stanford Adelstein (R): "This is all the candidates are talking about, instead of worrying about education and other pressing problems. My party needs to get back to focusing on true Republican issues — keeping government out of people's lives, economic growth, education of gifted children and diversity of lifestyle and faith."
  • Sandra Goldschein, director of program and strategy, Affiliate Support and Nationwide Initiatives for ACLU: "My organizing work has been incredible — I've met very passionate and generous people who give all of their spare time to fight the extreme and dangerous ban."

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing ballot measures in South Dakota

The South Dakota State Legislature passed HB 1215, which was then signed by Governor Mike Rounds (R).[2] Opponents of the law gathered the signatures from registered voters equaling 5% of total votes for the governor in the last gubernatorial election to force a referendum on the law.[3]

See also

External links
