Provider Zone

The purpose of the Ex Libris Provider Zone is to enable vendors, publishers and providers (“Providers”) to access, add and update their Content Offerings directly and automatically within the Alma Community Zone to best reflect the collections and databases available to our mutual customers.

The Provider Zone is not yet live and currently in the Development Partnership stage, therefore is still subject to change.

The Provider Zone is a sub-area within the existing Alma Community Zone, where Providers will be able to upload their content directly, with full control over the quality and display. The records uploaded by Providers will be stored separately from the existing Community Zone records. Other providers, the community, and even Ex Libris (barring special circumstances) will not be permitted to edit or modify Provider-originating records. Thus, all Provider-loaded records maintain their integrity and quality, as created and intended by the Provider. Content that can be made available by Providers is on the collection level; including portfolios/titles, their associated descriptive information and relevant linking data.

Alma provides a set of Web services for handling collection information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate collection details. These Web services can be used by external systems – such as Providers’ systems – to retrieve or update their data.

For more details on the Provider Zone process please see blog link.

Provider Zone

Get Collection ID by Name
GET /almaws/v1/provider-zone/e-collections
Main Provider Zone Process
POST /almaws/v1/provider-zone/e-collections


Retrieve Job Instance Details
GET /almaws/v1/provider-zone/jobs/e-collections/instances/{job_id}


GET /almaws/v1/provider-zone/test
POST /almaws/v1/provider-zone/test
CoursesReading ListsCitationsOwnersTags