James Bailey

Associate Professor

Contact Information:


Accinno Hall 208D


Ph.D. - Economics Temple University

Brief Biography:

Studied in Maine, New York, Oklahoma, Nova Scotia, France, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Taught in Pennsylvania, Florida, Nebraska. Now happily settled in Rhode Island, writing a book about why US health care spending is so high.

Research affiliate of the Consumer Finance Institute at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; the Mercatus Center at George Mason University; and the Knee Regulatory Research Center at West Virginia University.

See my personal website, linked below, for more information, including the pages where I share datasets and research ideas.

Area(s) of Expertise:

Health Economics, Health Insurance, Labor Economics, Entrepreneurship, Regulation, Certificate of Need

Selected Publications:

Bailey, J. Farrell, H. (2023) College Major’s Effect on Marriage and Children. Springer Nature Social Sciences.

Bailey, J. Hamami, T. (2022) Competition and Health-Care Spending: Theory and Application to Certificate of Need Laws. Contemporary Economic Policy.

Bailey, J. Mathes, M. (2021) Continuous job lock: employer health insurance contributions and job tenure. .

Bailey, J. (2021) In Adam Hoffer and Todd Nesbit (Ed.), An Introduction to the Effect of Regulation on Employment and Wages. Center for Growth and Opportunity

Bailey, J. Conover, C. (2020) Certificate of Need Laws: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. BMC Health Services Research.

Bailey, J. Chorniy, A. Civan, A. Maloney, M. (2020) Regulatory Review Time and Pharmaceutical R&D. Health Economics.

Bailey, J. (2019) Can health spending be reined in through supply restraints? An evaluation of certificate-of-need laws. Journal of Public Health.(27), 755–760.

Bailey, J. Dave, D. (2019) The Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Entrepreneurship among Older Adults. Eastern Economic Journal.(45), 141-159.

Bailey, J. (2017) Health insurance and the supply of entrepreneurs: new evidence from the affordable care act. Small Business Economics.

Bailey, J. Thomas, D. (2017) Regulating away competition: the effect of regulation on entrepreneurship and employment. Journal of Regulatory Economics.(52), 237–254.

Bailey, J. (2016) The Effect of Certificate of Need Laws on All-Cause Mortality. Health Services Research.

Bailey, J. Webber, D. (2016) Health Insurance Benefit Mandates and Firm Size Distribution. Journal of Risk and Insurance.

Bailey, J. Chorniy, A. (2016) Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Job Mobility: Did the Affordable Care Act Reduce Job Lock?. Contemporary Economic Policy.(34), 173-183.

Depew, B. Bailey, J. (2015) Did the Affordable Care Act's dependent coverage mandate increase premiums?. Journal of Health Economics.(41), 1-14.

Detailed CV
Personal website