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executable file
55 lines (46 loc) · 1.85 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
55 lines (46 loc) · 1.85 KB

Open your terminal

Explore project_dir

  1. cd Desktop
  2. git clone
  3. cd unix-shell-working-with-data
  4. ls
  5. cd data/mimic... click tab to autocomplete the mimic folder name

Explore the mimic data files

  1. ls
  2. cat LICENSE.txt
  3. nano LICENSE.txt
  4. cat labevents.csv wow! this is a long readout! use control+c to escape it if nessisary how might we learn about the contents of csvs more effectively?
  5. wc transfers.csv
  6. man wc
  7. wc -l transfers.csv
  8. head labevents.csv
  9. head -n1 labevents.csv
  10. tail -n3 labevents.csv
  11. head -n1 *.csv

Let's start saving our data summary information

  1. mkdir data_summaries
  2. head -n *.csv > data_summaries/csv_col_headers.txt

Which csv files contain subject_id information?

  1. grep "subject_id" *.csv
  2. grep -l "subject_id" *.csv save this list to a text file in your data summaries folder
  3. grep -l "subject_id" *.csv > data_summaries/subject_related_tables_list.txt

Create a variable containing all of the names of the csv files that contain subject_id information

  1. subjects_list="$(grep -l 'subject_id' *.csv)"
  2. echo "$subjects_list"

How can we return each item (file name) saved in our variable using a for loop?

  1. for thing in $subjects_list; do echo this file contains a subject id: $thing done
  2. for i in $subjects_list; do head -n2 $i; done

Let's save all of the commands we have run so far in this session

  1. history
  2. history > data_summaries/history.txt

In the microbiologyevents.csv, find all cases related to the Enerococcus bacteria strain

  1. awk '/ENTEROCOCCUS/' microbiologyevents.csv | head

Say you want to combine all lab events with the subject's data found in the patients.csv file?

  1. join -1 2 -2 2 -t , patients.csv labevents.csv > data_summaries/merged_patients_labs.csv