RBMS Controlled Vocabularies: Genre Terms

Alphabetical List | Hierarchical List

Welcome to Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging

The introductory text from the print edition is available.

To find a term's relationships in the hierarchy, click on one of the letters below, or browse through the list of top terms. In the Hierarchical View, one colon indicates the term's broader term; two colons indicates the next broadest term; and so forth. One period indicates a narrower term; two periods indicate a term two steps further in the hierarchy, and so forth.

The Hierarchical List contains unapproved terms and references. To determine whether a term is approved and to determine appropriate usage as described in the Scope Note, the full term record must be consulted. To see the term record, you may select "Standard View," or choose "Alphabetical List" to browse through the alphabet.

Thank you, Thesaurus editor.

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