Arcadian Library Online - Europe and the Ottoman World Diplomacy and I

Europe and the Ottoman World: Diplomacy and International Relations

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Europe and the Ottoman World: Diplomacy and International Relations

Europe and the Ottoman World

During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, most of the Arab world, together with a sizeable part of Eastern Europe, had been incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. As its power grew, so too did the empire’s role and influence in Europe. Perceived as a great enemy to Christendom on the one hand, the Ottomans were also recognized as invaluable allies against rival states by various European countries. 

From the Battle of Lepanto and collaborations with Francis I in the 16th century, to the Crimean war and joint infrastructure projects of the 19th century, Europe and the Ottoman World: Diplomacy and International Relations documents and explores the complex and evolving interactions between the Ottoman Empire and Europe over the course of six hundred years’ of history. Comprising correspondence, treaties, travel accounts and printed books of exceptional chronological and geographic scope, the collection is an outstanding addition to resources for the study of the Ottoman Empire.

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