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Paul Grimstad

Confessions of an Audiobook Addict

It’s both strange and enlightening to move through the world with an author’s voice filling your ears.

Rewinding Jimi Hendrix’s National Anthem

His blazing rendition still echoes throughout the years, reminding us of what is worth fighting for in the American experiment.

Living in Alan Turing’s Future

Given that the twenty-first century has become one giant Turing machine, it is not surprising that the culture remains obsessed with the British mathematician.

The Absolute Originality of Georges Perec

The French writer—whose works include an approximately five-hundred-word palindrome, a novel without the letter “E,” and a book planned around the layout of an apartment block—was one of the most unusual of the twentieth century.

The Beautiful Mind-Bending of Stanislaw Lem

The massive popularity of “Solaris” helped Lem become one of the most widely read science-fiction writers in the world. Yet his writing reached far beyond the borders of the genre.

Confessions of an Audiobook Addict

It’s both strange and enlightening to move through the world with an author’s voice filling your ears.

Rewinding Jimi Hendrix’s National Anthem

His blazing rendition still echoes throughout the years, reminding us of what is worth fighting for in the American experiment.

Living in Alan Turing’s Future

Given that the twenty-first century has become one giant Turing machine, it is not surprising that the culture remains obsessed with the British mathematician.

The Absolute Originality of Georges Perec

The French writer—whose works include an approximately five-hundred-word palindrome, a novel without the letter “E,” and a book planned around the layout of an apartment block—was one of the most unusual of the twentieth century.

The Beautiful Mind-Bending of Stanislaw Lem

The massive popularity of “Solaris” helped Lem become one of the most widely read science-fiction writers in the world. Yet his writing reached far beyond the borders of the genre.